**Attention, Attention! Today's blog comes to you from Tauni, Morgan's sister.**
Against my better judgement, I agreed to view a video that was getting a lot of attention on the internet. It left me feeling sick at heart for the persons involved. Were they not loved as children? Did they have people in their life that told them they were beautiful, special, valued?
For days I felt my spirit burdened with these thoughts and then made worse by news stories of corruption, television shows promoting poor values, articles about the depravity of mankind in my own city. I had found myself thinking the world to be a bad place, hopeless.
I lay on my couch in a state of depression, and then came my salvation. A commercial about a man who founded
Tom's Shoes: "TOMS Shoes was founded on a simple premise: With every pair you purchase, TOMS will give a pair of new shoes to a child in need. One for One. Using the purchasing power of individuals to benefit the greater good is what we're all about." I encourage you to check out the site @ TomsShoes.com.
It's easy to get trapped in the spot where I found myself when we live in a time when the front page always goes to the tradgedy and the top story is for scandals.
not alone. There are thousands of foundations for helping the needy. Thousands upon thousands of people dedicating their time, money, hearts and souls to making better what they can. People striving to be good hearted people.
There's Morgan, a busy mom of two, going around her neighborhood to collect items for her sale to benefit 'Mothers Without Borders'. There's the man who holds the door open for the person behind him. There's the stranger on the street who smiles at all the people she passes. There's you and me!
Goodwill. It can be found everywhere, and it is.
Thanks for this opportunity to share my experiance and hope!
Tauni Peck