I slept and dreamed that life was joy,
I awoke and saw that life was duty,
I acted and behold: duty was joy.
-Rabindranath Tagore

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Finding balance

Something I have been struggling with is finding the balance. There is so much need out there and my personal resources of time and money are very small. How does one find the balance between how much to give and how much to keep. I don't know the answer to this one. I don't think it is wrong to be able to enjoy eating out with my family or spending money on a girl's night out but at the same time it feels wrong to know that there are so many many people suffering because of poverty while I have so much. I have finally decided that something I am comfortable with is to give a little more money than is comfortable and to spend a little more time than is convenient. Since I truly believe that serving others IS a joyful duty, I think the joy we feel from sacrificing for some one else will ease the burden of the sacrifice until it just becomes a way of life for us. Then it will be time to readjust and find again what creates a little discomfort and inconvenience. So I guess I am hoping that it will continue to cycle with: sacrifice-joy-contentment-sacrifice-joy-contentment
until I find that just right spot. Still thinking on this one. Any comments would be greatly appreciated.

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